If you are interested to make an own web site or looking for earn money by Google Adsence or other advertise program then you need to have an own web site. You need to buy a new web site, that's why first requirement is Domain Then Hosting. Designing is the final step for a site. In this post I am going to show some tips for buy a Domain & Hosting.
So if anyone wants to buy a new Domain & Hosting then I want to suggest consider two things. One is Domain then others is hosting. So I am writing something about Domain & Hosting.
Domain is the first requirements for make a web site. Domain is a unique name for a web site around the world.
You need to choice a domain name which is related your site topic. For example: if you want to site for learning tips then you can choice : tech.com /learn.com like this as a result visitor can easily identify your site, and search engine also give a priority for site name.
Visitor can easily identify web site quality & content by the domain name. For example: .COM is commercial site, .info for informational site, .edu means educational site. And many more extension is available. So consider these things before buying a Domain
You can open may free domain and sub domain but I think you should avoid this. Because if you want to use this site for Google adsence & more then they does not support sub domain and free domain & hosting. But some advertise provider may support but you can buy a Domain.
Hosting is also an important requirement for a web site. Because whatever then files and data you want to publish for your web site you need to store it in a specific place, that's why you need to buy web space which is hosting. Many service providers provide hosting by different package but you need to choice best one.
Chose a best hosting company where your site can load very quickly. Search engine give priority for loading speed and visitor also like this kind of site.
Back up is another great consideration before buying a hosting. Because when you open a site than hacker also wait for you to hack your site or if somehow you crash your site than you can back it again from Back up option. Many hosting company provide better back up facility for their user. So chose one of them.
And that’s all. You can also take advice from someone who has web site, webmaster, SEO expert. Who can really help you.
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